Alternative Data Source Assessment for Point of Sale Lender

Background: A point of sale finance company engaged AQN to advise them on the incorporation of alternative data sources into credit policy

Outcome: AQN Identified that Vendor B allows an 11% reduction in losses versus Vendor A and an 27% reduction versus just FICO at the same approval rate

AQN’s Approach:

  • Identified the need for using alternative data in underwriting specific market segments

  • Engaged in talks with 8 different alternative data providers, evaluating product offerings for fit based on portfolio makeup

  • Scoped out contract details and acquired retro scored datasets from three vendors, appended with portfolio performance data

  • Leveraged machine learning techniques to identify key data elements, and assess their value for credit policy segmentation 

  • Provided strategic recommendations based on the relative effectiveness and cost of the two vendors

Key Results:

  • Both data sources slope FICO, but one is much more powerful than the other
